Sunday, December 6, 2009


Rollie's Follies: A Hall of Fame Revue of Lists and Lore, Stories and Stats from Baseball's Most Famous Moustache
By Rollie Fingers, Yellowstone Ritter


“The perfect bathroom book...It’s pleasing to the eye. It’s an easy, fun read. There’s nothing bad to say about it.”
--Jimmy Scott, Jimmy Scott's High and Tight blog

“The book is less like a lecture...with Mr. Fingers and more like a night out on the town with him.”
– Cecilia Tan, Why I Like Baseball,

Perfect Pool-side/Beach-side Summer Baseball Read5
I chuckled many times while enjoying Rollie's Follies during my summer vacation last month. Anyone who goes through life being called Mr. Fingers has to have a great sense of humor and the mustached one does not disappoint. I happen to like major league baseball trivia and fun facts, so Rollie's experienced perspective on it all was what drew me in. Its an easy book to pick up for a bit, put down, come back to later, skip around in...perfect for those times when you just have a few minutes to yourself. Bring it to the beach, leave a copy lying out by your pool or on your back porch....or anywhere else you might be sitting for a few minutes. You'll be glad you did!

The Pefect Travel Book5
This is the perfect travel book. I was stuck in a car for 8 hours with three generations of men: 70, 45 and 14. They all loved it. The lists are hilarious and informative. I am not much of a baseball fan, but even I found it interesting. Who doesn't want to know how the sausage races started!!!

This book is a great conversation started. I am surprised it is not in every bar and barber shop around.

Rollie's Follies5
This book was great fun to read. There are many little known facts and fun stories in this gem of a book. Rollie is a great story teller and this is a must have for all baseball fans or any sports fan. There is no one better to hear these facts from than this wonderful Hall of Famer. He is a classy fellow and continues to be active and supportive in the world of sports. This book is especially convenient for taking on a trip in that it is not large and bulky. It is equally easy to read in bed.


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